Time Related Stress Can Take a Toll on Your Mental Health

what causes stress when running late?

Stress can manifest itself in various ways. You can feel anxious all the time, you can have trouble sleeping, you can lash out at those you care about, these are all signs of having an anxious life. But what exactly causes us to have stress and anxiety in the first place?

In this article we will take a look at one of the top causes for stress in a person’s life and go over some ways to help alleviate this stress.


Time Management

This category is a big one and it includes a great deal of the causes of stress in people’s day to day lives. Not budgeting one’s time correctly will cause a feeling of overarching anxiety that feels like it never goes away.

  1. Running Behind Schedule – When a person is constantly running late,  they feel like they are not doing what they are expected to be doing. This can lead to all kinds of feelings including resentment, rejection, anger & more. People around this constantly late person will actually begin to treat them with some of those emotions, hence reaffirming the negative feelings which already exist. Being constantly late can create a shame-spiral that seemingly never ends.
  2. Rushing to Get Somewhere – This may or may not happen as a result of being behind schedule. Some people get anxious while driving and this results in them trying to get it over with as soon as possible. The result can be an alarming and frightful car ride that just elevates stress and anxiety to the next level.
  3. Skipping Important Self-maintenance – When a person does not feel prepared they can get very anxious about that. He or she can skip these essential things that make them feel confident and at ease when they are pressed for time. Most important of these items is eating properly and exercising. These are essential for a person to feel good. 
  4. Regularly Staying Up Late – A study completed in 2020 revealed that insomnia almost always preceded a mental health disorder diagnosis. If a person does not regularly get the proper amount of sleep they can trigger a cascading effect which eventually leads to an anxiety disorder. Lack of sleep can cause everything from irritability to full-blown hallucinations. 



Training oneself to wake up a little earlier, leave the house a little sooner or go to bed at a better time can be daunting. But it is a task worth every second of effort. Getting enough sleep and being on time regularly will reduce a large amount of your daily stress. It only takes a few days of getting proper sleep and being on time for all of your activities before you can literally feel the stress load being reduced. 

Take your time to sit down and eat. Add more fruits to your meals and try to remove processed foods. Your body is an engine and good fuel results in good performance. 


Enlist Your Spouse or Partner

Enlist your partner to help you train yourself in your new way of life. Have you been constantly late your entire adult life? Now is the time to change that. Chances are that your spouse or partner will be very willing to help. They want to see you have a less stressful and happier life.