EMDR, Brainspotting and Trauma Therapy

EMDR,BRAINSPOTTING and Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are effective, time efficient and research-validated treatment modalities helpful for adults and children affected by symptoms of PTSD and Trauma.

common struggles

  • PTSD
  • Trauma
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and Phobia
  • Panic Disorders
  • Sleep issues and Nightmares
  • Grief
  • Illness and Somatic Disorders
  • Anger
  • Eating Disorders
  • Low-Self Esteem
  • Substance Abuse


When trauma is not being addressed, PTSD symptoms will continue to hijack your life and affect important relationship. People spend great energy avoiding thoughts about trauma, blocking distressing memories and using unhealthy coping mechanism to deal with the daily reminders. If trauma is not addressed, the symptoms may worsen and become chronic over time. With the professional help and support you can work through unresolved memories to heal, adapt and live a joyful and fulfilling life. You will no longer be the "prisoner" of your own mind and memory.


Working on trauma can be difficult as the distressing, unresolved feeling and memories may surface. Subsequently to the treatment session, the information processing may continue, and manifest itself in vivid or unusual dreams, memories, new feelings and insights. This often indicates that the change is taking place and the old information is going through successful adaptation. As the professionally trained therapists, we understand these challenges of trauma work and have best knowledge and tools to support you throughout your healing process.


how can Trauma Therapy help? 

EMDR and TF-CBT are research validated modalities that follow specific protocols. Brainspotting is the brain based therapy from "the bottom up" and allows clients to assess their deeper subcortical brain where trauma, memories and unconscious material is being stored.  This makes treatment time efficient, productive and accomplishing deep internal healing, rather than just learning to cope with triggers. Most clients achieve significant improvement or complete trauma resolution in 10-20 sessions. Learn more about how EMDR works by reading my blog post here

Learn more about TF-CBT here. Understand why clients choose Brainspotting here.

How often will I see my counselor?

Frequency and duration of counseling is individual and based on the intensity of symptoms and presenting concerns. In most cases clients come for trauma therapy weekly.  As the symptoms subside the frequency of sessions might be gradually reduced until trauma is resolved and the clients no longer have the need for counseling.