couples often seek relational counseling as a last resort, But most couples can enhance their relationship by mastering the skills taught in couples counseling before the serious problems arise.

  common struggles

  • Small issue turns to a major argument
  • Feel ignored, unheard and frustrated
  • Lack of appreciation
  • Feel judged, hurt or rejected
  • Arguments do not lead to solutions
  • Missing closeness and intimacy
  • Feel misunderstood and alone
  • Have trouble communicating with each other
  • Disagreements leave you feeling resentful
  • Loss of physical intimacy
  • Disappointed the relationship is not what you expected


Even the most "perfect" couples have their own road blocks they must get past, so you're not alone. Most couples can enhance their relationship by mastering the skills taught in couples counseling. Couples therapy offers “neutral ground” to work through excising relational issues with professional guidance and support. Together we can clarify and explore solutions to your problems, work towards improving communications and learn and practice skills that cultivate emotional connection and intimacy.


Often times one partner will want to get help for the relationship by going into couples counseling while the other may say they “are not interested in coming" or “don’t believe in therapy”. This can be very discouraging if you are the partner who wants help. You may find it beneficial to attend individual therapy as working on yourself can help discover underlying triggers and consequently improve the relationship for both of you. Changes you make within yourself can go a long way to improving things between you and may encourage your partner to join you in.


how can couples counseling help? 

Couples counseling offers a safe and professional environment to address couple's relational concerns. Couples will be able to work through specific issues, recognize unhealthy patterns, learn skills and positive communication strategies to reduce conflicts and improve their intimate connection.

how often will we see a

couples counselor?

A typical couples session lasts between 60-90 min. At the beginning of therapy you will be meeting with your counselor weekly-fortnightly until the presenting concerns improve. During couples sessions we strive to make each partner feel welcomed, heard and given a chance to contribute to the discussion.