How Therapy Can Help You Create and Achieve Your Goals
New Year, New Me & Starting Therapy
A phrase often heard during time each year is “New year, new me,” but what does it really mean to be a “new you?” Most often it means starting up a gym routine, eating healthier, leaving toxic relationships behind, setting healthy boundaries, or reading more books. Those are all great and important parts to being a better you, but without a proper plan to implement these daily practices it can be challenging to maintain. Setting yourself up for success is half the battle in bettering yourself and creating meaningful and lasting goals. You may be wondering; how does therapy have anything to do with goals setting for the new year? I am here to tell you that therapy can play a huge part in helping you create and achieve your goals.
Therapy and New year goals
The first way therapy can be a huge factor in helping you to keep and achieve your goals, is it provides you a space to process and figure out what it is you are wanting to achieve. Oftentimes, we think of the end goal when making plans for ourselves but forget to consider the steps it is going to take to achieve them. Working with a therapist, you can gain assistance in setting “micro goals” and be able to have weekly tasks that help you get one step closer to achieving your overall goal.
Another way therapy is beneficial in goal setting is it gives you an opportunity process any anxieties and fears you may be experiencing with taking the steps necessary to achieve your goals. Starting something new can bring about anxiety and challenges with finding the confidence to get started. Working with a therapist, you can process these feelings and emotions and gain the tools and techniques to overcome and challenge cognitive distortions that are holding you back. Therapists can also help with managing symptoms of depression that may be keeping you stagnant and preventing you from getting started on bettering yourself. Various tools, techniques and support can be provided and encouraged as a part of the therapy process and to create and achieve your goals.
Finally, therapists provide empowerment and accountability that can be really beneficial for achieving goals. When we have support and somebody there to encourage us, while considering any setbacks we may encounter, it can be the difference between following through and giving up too soon. Especially when battling self-sabotaging thoughts or challenges with self-esteem that may be contributing to a delay in getting started or maintaining progress. Attending regular therapy and being able to check in and speak about any setbacks or challenges is so beneficial to accomplishing your goals.
In conclusion, we are here for you at Natalia Savage Counseling to help you get started or continue your progress with achieving everything you hope to in 2025 and beyond. Create and achieve your goals this year. Schedule a new client session today with us!