
Brainspotting is a powerful tool used to treat trauma, PTSD, depression, anxiety and multitude of other symptoms and mental health issues. Through this method clients get access to both the brain and body and heal what is distressing or holding them back.
“Where you look affects how you feel.” —David Grand, PhD
With “talk therapy” clients often experience an immediate release, however, as they go on with their lives they find themselves triggered and affected by the reminders of the same traumas, as it remained “unresolved” in the deep levels of their system. Through Brainspotting, we are able to access, process, release and heal the core neurophysiological sources of emotional pain, trauma and other symptoms impacting client’s wellbeing.
Brainspotting works by accessing the autonomic and limbic systems through what’s called a Brainspot. We bypass the conscious thinking processes of the neo-cortex and get assess to the deeper, body-based processes from the sub-cortex part of the brain.
During the session, you will find yourself attuned and supported by your therapist, who holds the sacred space of your healing. You will be offered to listen to a relaxing bilateral music to stimulate processing. Not much talking will happen during your Brainspotting session, as talking brings you back to your conscious “thinking brain” and takes you out of the deeper, neo-cortical processing. At the end of the session, your therapist will help you feel grounded and guide to relaxation as needed.
Take a look at the video below to listen to the developer of Brainspotting- Dr. David Grand, explaining how Brainspotting can help you.